

We haven’t had ORF for 2 years, thank god! But when is the best time to vacinate against it? Is it better to do the ewes or lambs?



It is much better and much safer to vaccinate the lambs only. The problem with vaccinating the ewes is that the scab produced by the vaccine is infective even when it falls off the ewes skin. If ewes are vaccinated (scraping an X-shape on the skin preferably under the elbow) in the groin region, they may infect lambs subsequently while suckling. Also, the orf vaccines generate very little colostral immunity. The only real benefit to vaccinating the ewes is to prevent infection in the ewes themselves – which is not a problem on your farm currently. It is much better to vaccinate the lambs as soon as possible after birth, i.e. you can vaccinate the lambs from one week of age and this should give them good protection.

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