
  • Date: 02/07/2022
  • Type: Cattle, Weanling
  • Town: Markethill (Co. Armagh)
  • Address: Markethill Livestock & Farm Sales 12 Cladymilltown Road, Markethill County Armagh
  • Webpage: Markethill Mart

02/07/2022 - Markethill Cattle Mart Report

An entry of 680 cattle at Markethill on Saturday 2 nd July continued to sell in an exceptionally strong
trade particularly beef cattle and forward feeding cattle.
160 heifers included several pens of top quality beef heifers sold to a top of £340 per 100 kilos for
728k at £1475 from a Portadown farmer followed by £306 for 700k at £2145 from a Lurgan
producer. A Dungannon farmer received £305 for 686k at £2095. Main demand for good quality
beef heifers from £250 to £295 per 100 kilos. Forward feeding heifers sold to £317 for 610k at
£1935 from a Silverbridge farmer followed by £283 for 630k at £1785 from a Drumquin producer.
All good quality forward heifers sold from £230 to £280 per 100 kilos. Good quality middleweight
heifers sold from £220 to £255 for 490k at £1265 from a Jerrettspass farmer followed by £255 for
500k at £1275 from a Loughgall farmer.
Forward heifers
Silverbridge farmer 610k £1935 £317.00; Drumquin farmer 630k £1785 £283.00; Tandragee farmer
556k £1525 £274.00; Drumquin farmer 608k £1665 £274.00; Newtownhamilton farmer 632k £1695
£268.00; Newtownhamilton farmer 622k £1665 £268.00; Camlough farmer 566k £1425 £252.00;
Newtownhamilton farmer 594k £1465 £247.00;
Beef heifers
Portadown farmer 728k £2475 £340.00; Lurgan farmer 702k £2145 £306.00; Dungannon farmer
686k £2095 £305.00; Dungannon farmer 658k £1965 £299.00; Dungannon farmer 670k £1975
£295.00; Portadown farmer 740k £2175 £294.0; Dungannon farmer 680k £1965 £285.00;
Silverbridge farmer 690k £1965 £285.00; Dungannon farmer 644k £1825 £283.00;
Middleweight heifers
Jerrettspass farmer 496k £1265 £255.0; Loughgall farmer 500k £1275 £255.00; Loughgilly farmer
406k £1025 £252.00; Jerrettspass farmer 480k £1195 £249.00; Jerrettspass farmer 456k £1135
£249.00; Keady farmer 406k £1005 £248.00; Ballyward farmer 484k £1185 £245.00; Jerrettspass
farmer 452k £1105 £244.00; Ballyward farmer 488k £1175 £241.00;
200 bullocks included several pens of good quality beef bullocks which sold to a top price of £2225
830k at £268 from a Dromara farmer. The same owner received £2135 for 790k at £269. Top rate of
£278 was paid for 700k at £1965 from a Jonesborough farmer. Main trade for beef bullocks from
£240 to £268 per 100 kilos. Forward feeding bullocks sold to £295 for 650k at £1935 from a
Jonesborough farmer. The same owner received £272 for 660k at £1795. All good quality forward
bullocks from £230 to £260 per 100 kilos. Good quality middleweight bullocks sold steadily from
£230 to £265 for 430k at £1145 for a Portadown farmer followed by £255 for 460k at £1185 from a
Aghalee farmer. Friesian bullocks sold to £221 for 680k at £1515 from a Scarva farmer followed by
£212 for 620k at £1325 from a Tandragee. All good quality friesians from £200 to £211 per 100 kilos.
Forward bullocks
Jonesborough farmer 656k £1935 £295.00; Jonesborough farmer 660k £1795 £272.00; Tandragee
farmer 662k £1735 £262.00; Newry farmer 666k £1735 £261.00; Moira farmer 524k £1325 £253.00;

Tandragee farmer 664k £1675 £252.00; Armagh farmer 592k £1475 £249.00; Portadown farmer
506k £1245 £246.00;
Beef bullocks
Jonesborough farmer 706k £1965 £278.00; Dromara farmer 794k £2135 £269.00; Dromara farmer
830k £2225 £268.00; Jonesborough farmer 730k £1955 £268.00; Jonesborough farmer 734k £1965
£268.00; Jonesborough farmer 750k £1995 £266.00; Richhill farmer 680k £1785 £263.00;
Middleweight bullocks
Portadown farmer 432k £1145 £265.00; Aghalee farmer 464k £1185 £255.00; Jonesborough farmer
492k £1255 £255.00; Aghalee farmer 456k £1155 £253.00; Forkhill farmer 500k £1245 £249.00;
Markethill farmer 496k £1225 £247.00; Forkhill farmer 440k £1065 £242.00; Portadown farmer 484k
£1165 £241.00; Portadown farmer 436k £1045 £240.00; Aghalee farmer 408k £975 £239.00;
Friesian bullocks
Scarva farmer 684k £1515 £221.00; Tandragee farmer 626k £1325 £212.00; Tandragee farmer 568k
£1185 £209.00; Tandragee farmer 596k £1235 £207.00; Tandragee farmer 544k £1125 £207.00;
Tandragee farmer 606k £1245 £205.00; Middletown farmer 578k £1155 £200.00; Mountnorris
farmer 640k £1275 £200.00;
A large entry of 270 weanlings sold in a steady demand. Good quality light males from £240 to £289
for 360k at £1040 from a Tandragee farmer followed by £284 for 380k at £1080 from a Rathfriland
farmer. All good quality light males from £240 to £280 per 100 kilos. Strong males sold to £305 for
420k at £1280 for an Armagh farmer followed by £299 for 448k at £1340 from a Ballyward farmer.
All good quality strong males sold from £230 to £290 per 100 kilos. Good quality heifer weanlings
sold from £230 to £318 for 280k at £890 for a Crossmaglen farmer followed by £292 for 250k at
£730 from a Bessbrook farmer.
Strong male weanlings
Armagh farmer 420k £1280 £305.00; Ballyward farmer 448k £1340 £299.00; Camlough farmer 425k
£1250 £294.00; Newtownhamilton farmer 442k £1280 £290.00; Armagh farmer 424k £1220
£288.00; Forkhill farmer 408k £1160 £284.00; Armagh farmer 498k £1310 £263.00; Camlough
farmer 404k £1040 £258.00;
Light male weanlings
Tandragee farmer 360k £1040 £289.00; Rathfriland farmer 380k £1080 £284.00; Armagh farmer
368k £1040 £283.00; Forkhill farmer 370k £1040 £281.00; Sixmilecross farmer 318k £890 £280.00;
Kilkeel farmer 376k £1050 £279.00; Dungannon farmer 306k £850 £278.00; Armagh farmer 388k
£1070 £276.00; Portadown farmer 400k £1100 £275.00;
Heifer weanlings
Crossmaglen farmer 280k £890 £318.00; Bessbrook farmer 250k £730 £292.00; Derrynoose farmer
282k £810 £287.00; Jerrettspass farmer 406k £1190 £293.00; Jonesborough farmer 272k £770
£283.00; Portadown farmer 296k £830 £280.00; Jonesborough farmer 266k £740 £278.00;
Jonesborough farmer 294k £800 £272.00; Jonesborough farmer 262k £700 £267.00;

60 lots of sucklers sold in a steady demand with outfits selling to a top of £2460 for Lim cow and
heifer calf from a Cullyhanna farmer. The same owner received £1850 and £1840 for outfits. An
Armagh farmer sold 2 outfits at £1840 and £1800. A Newtownhamilton producer sold a Lim heifer
and heifer calf at £1680. Several more outfits sold from £1250 to £1660 each.

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