
  • Date: 30/04/2022
  • Type: Cattle
  • Town: Headford (Co. Galway)
  • Address: Headford Mart, Balrickard, Headford, Co Galway
  • Webpage: Headford Mart

30/04/2022 - Headford Cattle Mart Report

The soft rain brought in the buyers online and to the ringside providing electricity in the ring that the ESB would envy! Several lots made more than €2200 per head with highest lot payment of €4500 paid on the day.

Top selling prices for lighter stock was €4.97/Kg for CHX 330kg. Average for stock less than 600Kg weight was €2.74/Kg. Example prices included AAX Bullock/578Kg €1690,  AAX Aged Heifer  CHX Bullock /595Kg €1770,  CHX Bullock/330Kg €1640,  LMX Age-Heifer/545Kg €1590,  SAX Bullock/528Kg €1500.  SI Bullock/480Kg €1430.  LMX Wean.Bull/465Kg €1170.

Best Cow price of the day went to the Daniels family of Corrandulla – who had celebrated earlier in the year with the Champion of the Show Award in the Spring Show and Sale. Great to see consistency of form across the herd.

Heavier stock made up to €3.63/Kg with samples including CHX Bullock/710Kg €2180,  LMX dry cow/715Kg €1920,  CHX dry cow/820Kg €2000. Dry cow/835Kg €2170.

Loads of ringside competition ensured that there was almost full clearance today. We want to thank everyone for the large turnout today and we look forward to the new Cattle Morning Entry process starting next Saturday 7th May… NO more queueing in the office before penning!

Sheep Auction enjoyed full clearance with top price of €3.42/Kg for hoggets.  100Kg ewe made €190. Increase in sheep numbers is needed for number of buyers coming to Headford, so we advise all farmers considering Headford Mart to pop don next Saturday 7th May. No need to pre-book sheep currently, just check in before 9am!

Thanks for a lightening sale in what could have been a dreary Saturday. We will put up more details online during the week. Remember to PREBOOK stock and WhatsAp us your sellers pics before the sale. Call 09335572  0873339786 …  feicfidh muid ar ball thú!

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