
  • Date: 25/06/2022
  • Type: Cattle
  • Town: Carnew (Co. Wicklow)
  • Address: Carnew Mart, Lower Main Street, Carnew, Co. Wicklow.
  • Webpage: Carnew Mart

25/06/2022 - Carnew Cattle Mart Report

Saturday 25/6/22

982 head on offer
Very lively trade throughout with stores of all kinds very much in demand by both farmers and feeders alike. Cull cows and beef selling to a very strong trade cows topping at €2680 fat heifers to €2170 and heavy bullocks to €2560. Feeding and store bulls were a very lively trade.
The hight of the sale were the sucklers selling to €3000 for a quality team.
Sucklers sold between €2000 and €3000 with most selling between €2400 and €2800.

Calves were a very lively trade with up to €600 given for strong coloured calves.
Reared Friesian calves to €330 while soft coloured calves sold between €150 and €250

890kg lm €2560
870kg ch €2460
844kg bb €2680

768kg Ch €2170
566kg AA €1620
706kg Ch €2020
680kg lm €1990
359kg Ch €1110

824kg Lm €2560
710kg He € 2250
630kg lm €1790
352kg Lm €1180

510kg Ch €1460
554kg Pt €1600
510kg Bb €1530
280kg Ch €760

Cows with calves
Ptx €3000
Chx €2900
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