
  • Date: 07/05/2022
  • Type: Calves, Cattle
  • Town: Carnew (Co. Wicklow)
  • Address: Carnew Mart, Lower Main Street, Carnew, Co. Wicklow.
  • Webpage: Carnew Mart

07/05/2022 - Carnew Cattle Mart Report

Friday 6th May and Saturday 7th May
Cow and Cattle Report

Very busy weekend at Carnew Matt with 1725 head going through. There was a blazing trade throughout with cattle up anywhere from €50-€100 a head for both store and factory cattle.

Some super prices included
7 AA heifers out of the dairy herd weighing 432kg selling for €1360 or €3.15/kg
While an 870kg Ch cow sold for €2600 and a fat heifer sold for  €2500. Bullocks topped at 3.63/kg for a 650kg lm. Bulls on offer sold from €2.80/kg to €3.61/kg for the quality lots with most bulls making well over €3/kg

870kg Ch €2600
864kg ch €2200
720kg ch €2100
820kg Ch €2300
790kg Ch €2330
768kg Ch €2230

840kg Ch €2510
886kg ch €2500
820kg ch €2420
714kg ch €2170
580kg ch €1870
572kg lmx €1640
348kg Ch €1100

700kg Ch €2480
668kg Lmx €2320
650kg Lmx €2360
636kg lm €2000
603kg Lm €1930
413kg Lm €1120
528kg lm €1620
380kg Six €1170
426kg Lmx €1270

3PTX 324kg €1000
392kg BB €1300
572kg Lm €1740
708kg AA €2270
388kg BB €1400

Suckler sale
Cows with calves at foot sold from
€1750 to €2380
With most teams breaking €2000 while springing cows sold from €1200 for the lighter types to €1600 for the heavier cows.

Shipping calves sold from €60-€120 while
HE and AA bulls sold from €150 to €260
HE and AA heifers sold from €100 to €220
While continental calves sold from €190 to €400
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