Top US Sire Judge for Emerald Expo 2013

22/02/2013 Website News
Top US Sire Judge for Emerald Expo 2013 ABS Ireland based in Castletownroche, Co. Cork have kindly agreed to sponsor Paul Trapp, a sire analyst and a distinguished judge from Winsconsin in the USA. Ervin McKinstry, General Manager with ABS Ireland said they were delighted to support Emerald Expo 2013 and to sponsor judge Trapp.

Mr. Trapp is a Regional Sire Analyst with ABS Global. Some of his favorite acquisitions to ABS include: Dundee, Destry, Garrett, Gerard, Levi, Gillespy and Gavin. He has a B. Sc Degree (Agri Economics) from the University of Minnesota.

Paul and his wife, Sarah own an elite group of Registered Brown Swiss, Jerseys and Holsteins receiving All-American nominations across all three breeds. Mr. Trapp has served five years on World Dairy Expo�s Dairy Cattle Show Committee and was a member of the Young Dairy Leaders Institute�s inaugural class.

He has judged shows in 15 different US states at local, state and national levels including the Midwest Spring, Midwest Fall, Mideast Spring and Southern Spring National Holstein Shows. At World Dairy Expo, Paul served as the 2010 Associate Guernsey Judge, was the lead judge for the 2011 International Milking Shorthorn Show and this autumn Paul will be the lead judge for the International Ayrshire Show.

In 2010, he was the confirmation judge at the Royal Winter Fair�s Canadian 4-H Classic Junior Dairy Show. He has also traveled to International Dairy Week in Australia many times to judge. In addition, he has judged shows in Brazil, Canada, Puerto Rico, Japan and Britain.

Paul Trapp has served on All-American panels and judged national shows for all seven dairy breeds. He�s also a partner in Pit-Crew Genetics which has received 14 Brown Swiss All-American Nominations in the past several years. Paul is from Taylor in Wisconsin known as "America's Dairyland" as it produces 40% of the cheese and 20% of the butter in the USA.

All Roads Lead to Kilkenny

Emerald Expo 2013 is organised by the IHFA in association with Alltech Ireland the major sponsor. It will have 20 classes, six Championships and a prize fund of �25K, one of the biggest for any EU livestock event. The show has the support of all the dairy breeds- Pure Friesian, Jersey and Shorthorn. The YMA members will again bring an international flavour to the young stockmanship classes.

For the third consecutive year, Emerald Expo an All Ireland and All Dairy Breeds show will take place at Cillin Hill, Kilkenny an easily accessible and prime location. 90% of all dairy cattle in the Republic are located within 100 miles of this venue so it is an excellent site for the first dairy show of the season.

The date has been moved to Saturday, April 27th so as to facilitate dairy farmers, sponsors and trade exhibitors. April is an ideal month as most cows have calved, are out on grass and silage harvesting is not in progress. Milk producers will now have more time to attend, network with other farmers and enjoy a well deserved weekend break in the Marble City.

This year Emerald Expo will include information stands on subjects of topical interest to all farmers such as Renewable Energy and New Dairy Entrants. Acording to the Charles Gallagher, Chief Executive of the IHFA �personnel from Industry, Finance, Teagasc and Farm Organisations will be on hand to answer all your queries.�

Significant supporters every year include the Dept. of Agriculture and Food, Glanbia and other Agribusiness sponsors such as AIB Bank, Dairymaster, KW Forage Systems, Lakeland Dairies, Pfizer Animal Health and Volac Ireland. Other sponsors include Alta/Bova, Animax, Dovea Genetics, Eurogene/LIC and Progressive Genetics/Semex.

Photo: Mr Paul Trapp

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