Thurles Company to supply all McDonalds outlets

16/09/2013 Website News
Thurles Company to supply all McDonalds outlets

A privately owned Thurles meat com­pa­ny Dew Val­ley has won a con­tract to sup­ply all Mc­Don­ald’s Irish restau­rants with bacon.

This is a requirement to deliver 9 million pieces of bacon every year - equivilant to 36 tonnes of meat.

Mc­Don­ald’s uses bacon for sev­er­al of its prod­ucts, in­clud­ing in break­fast menu items such as Bacon and Egg Mc­Muf­fin and Bacon Roll, as well as in its Quar­ter Pounder Deluxe

Bet the owners of Dew Valley are "lovin it!" as will the customers of McDonalds!

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