Share Milking Information Evening at Abbeyleix

18/06/2014 Website News
Share Milking Information Evening at Abbeyleix

The Share Milking information evening is taking place Wednesday June 18th at 8pm in the Abbeyleix Manor Hotel.

It will cover how Share Milking will work in Ireland, a template for the division of income and costs and opportunities currently available for potential share milkers.

Share milking is a very real and excellent opportunity for a wide range of people including farm managers, assistant managers, herd persons, Young Trained Farmers with no or insufficient land of their own, second sons or daughters who want to farm and those who intend taking over the home farm, but the farm is not yet available to them

The main speaker will be Austin Finn from the Land Mobility Service with support from Paidi Kelly (The IFJ and Moorepark) and an expert dairy farmer.

Young farmers from the surrounding areas of Abbeyleix are encouraged to attend the event.

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