Girl Power on Irish Farms
06/10/2012 Website News
GIRL power is on the increase in Irish farms, with a growing number of farms owned by women instead of men.The number of farms owned by women increased by almost 15pc to 17,324 farms in the decade between 2000 and 2010, according to the latest CSO figures.
Women also account for more than a quarter of the workforce on farms, with 74,092 women engaged in farming.
Of these female farm workers, 24pc own their own farm, while 76pc were wives and daughters of the farmer or paid staff.
Ireland's farm sector is still extremely male dominated, with almost 88pc of farms owned by men in 2010, compared to just over 12pc owned by women.
Ireland has one of the lowest rates of female land ownership in Europe, lagging far behind eastern European countries like Latvia, for example, where almost half of all land is owned by women.
Read full story in Irish Independent:
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