Farmers back YES campaign

22/05/2012 Website News
Farmers back YES campaign Famers for NO are a dissident voice as the farming and Agri Business sector voice a strong YES in the fiscal treaty referendum.

Over 124,000 farmers are members of the IFA, ICMSA and MACRA and together with agri businesses such as Glanbia, Kepak, Cork Marts and Connacht Gold are all saying YES.

Chairman of Connacht Gold Co-op P�draig Gibbons says a �resounding Yes vote� is vital to all sectors of the economy, especially the agri-food sector.

Glanbia�s managing director John Moloney says �It is critical we have a stable currency base to maximise our competitive position as we further develop export markets".

Macra na Feirme president Alan Jagoe says t �we want to be part of Europe. We are dependent on a lot of goodwill in Europe and if we vote No, I do think it could put our exports in jeopardy.�

The Farmers for No group includes past and present members of the IFA and the Irish Cattle and Sheep Farmers� Association. Chairman James Reynolds was active in calling for a No vote during the Lisbon campaign and he campaigned for Libertas�s Declan Ganley when he ran in the European elections.

John Bryan, president of the Irish Farmers� Association has an article in todays Irish Times where he advocates "Voting Yes to fiscal treaty in farming's best interests" - read his article here:-

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