IOA welcomes the Government proposals to increase spending for organic farming

25/10/2021 Technology and Innovation
IOA welcomes the Government proposals to increase spending for organic farming



The Irish Government has announced that €256m of Pillar II CAP support will be allocated to the development of organic farmland under Ireland’s CAP Strategic Plan 2023-2027. The announcement is part of the Government’s indicative spending allocations for the future CAP.


Gillian Westbrook, Irish Organic Association CEO, said “The Irish Organic Association welcomes the stated commitment from Taoiseach Michael Martin and Ministers Charlie McConalogue and Pippa Hackett today to boost investment in Ireland’s organic farming sector. This proposal must build on current organic spending and be complemented by other CAP supports as well as investments in supply chain and market development so that the sector can reach its full potential”.


The Irish Organic Association is a member of the Department’s CAP Consultative Committee and has been actively calling for a more ambitious organic farming scheme that rewards and incentivises existing organic farmers and potential new convertors. As more details are announced, the IOA will be assessing these proposals, including the need for priority access for organic farmers to environmental schemes and investment support.

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