Sheep Farmers and Dog Attacks

04/04/2012 Sheep
Sheep Farmers and Dog Attacks IFA National Sheep Committee Chairman James Murphy said the IFA has set up a service for sheep farmers to report all dog attacks on sheep flocks on a national database. He said the telephone number to ring is 01-4260340 .

James Murphy said the frequency of dog attacks during the lambing season is way too high and action must be taken by the Department of the Environment and the Department of Agriculture on the control of dogs and responsible dog ownership. He said he is aware of several cases of dog attacks happening on a weekly basis all over the country.

The sheep farmers� leader said IFA is encouraging sheep farmers to report all dog attacks to the IFA. He said �this information will be used in the IFA campaign to get movement on dog control and responsible dog ownership�. IFA has taken the lead on this issue with a major publicity and awareness campaign in March involving radio, TV and press coverage in all the local and national media.

James Murphy said the IFA campaign �Do you know where your dog is� received a huge amount of media coverage and a major reaction from farmers and the general public. He said this campaign needs to be matched with action from the Department of the Environment and the Department of Agriculture both of whom have responsibilities in this area.

James Murphy said IFA has met with the Department of the Environment and put detailed proposals to them on action that needs to be taken regarding responsible dog ownership. These proposals range from education and publicity on the issue, to awareness in schools, support for dog wardens and identification issues.

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