Holy Cow - its Robots Milking machines!

Posted on: 14/02/2013

In robotic milking, cows come voluntary to the milking unit and milking is distributed over a 24 hour period. In recent years dairy farmers in most EU countries have adopted robotic milking at an accelerating rate for reasons such as improvement in lifestyle, less physical work and lower labour costs. Teagasc and the Irish Grassland Association will develop technology integrating robatic milking with grazing dairy cows over the next 3 years with funding from the EU . The partners involved in the project are meeting in Cork today Wednesday, 13 February and tomorrow Thursday, 14 February.
To see robot cow milking in action view this youtube video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IYjmi1aiy0A
Read more : http://www.teagasc.ie/news/2013/201302-13.asp


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