Irish Rooster potato promoted in Berlin
24/02/2012 Crops
Bord Bia, in association with the Irish Potato Federation, organised and coordinated an Irish stand at Fruit Logistica in Berlin. Fruit Logistica is the world�s leading trade fair for the fresh fruit, vegetable and potato industry. This was the first time the Irish grown Rooster potato was promoted at a worldwide trade fair. Meade Potato Company was one of 6 Irish companies who participated at the Irish stand to promote the Irish Rooster and their own company�s profile.It is estimated that there are 540 growers of potatoes in Ireland. Over 375,000 tonnes of potatoes were produced from 10,003 hectares in 2011. The Rooster accounts for 56% of potatoes grown in Ireland. Kerr�s Pink account for 10%, Queens, 8%, Golden Wonder at 3% and Records at 2%. The counties with the highest percentage of area involved in potato production are Meath with 27%, Dublin at 16% and Louth at 15%, closely followed by Wexford at 13%, Donegal at 10% and Cork at 6%.
Mr Shane McEntee T.D, Minister of state at the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine attended the trade fair to meet with Meade potato Company and the other participating companies to increase the profile of this initiative.
Meade Potato Company (MPC) was formed in 1982 by Philip Meade. MPC is a family owned business, the company benefits greatly from the transfer of generations of experience, and its innovative and committed team. This is a testament to the strong growth Meade Potato Company have achieved in this, their 30th year of business in not just the potato industry but also making their mark in the fruit & vegetable industry by diversifying within the agri-business sector.
Speaking at the event, Minister McEntee praised the involvement of Meade Potato Company and Bord Bia in promoting Irish potatoes, in particular the Rooster variety to the German and the wider international market. Accounting for 56% of all potatoes grown in Ireland, the Rooster is the number one choice of potato for domestic consumers and it took centre stage at the exhibition this week. Minister McEntee stated that �this variety bred by Teagasc has established a tremendous reputation on the Irish market. It is expanding on the UK market and is now being introduced to Germany and further afield.� The Minister stressed the high quality of the variety and the fact that it could be used in many different ways from boiling, chipping and processing.
Minister McEntee emphasised the importance of the potato industry internationally and the importance of Ireland becoming more involved in exports. He stressed that County Meath potatoes and in particular the Meade Potato Company played a huge part in this with the county producing 27% of all potatoes, the highest percentage of area production in Ireland. He stated that, �the Irish market was relatively small and can easily suffer from an oversupply situation and therefore it was vitally important that we should look to developing exports�.
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