
  • Date: 14/11/2017
  • Type: Weanling
  • Town: Roscommon (Co. Roscommon)
  • Address: Roscommon Co-operative Livestock Mart, Ardsallagh More, Roscommon, Ireland
  • More Info: Roscommon Mart

14/11/2017 - Roscommon Mart Weanling and Suckler Sale Report



Weanlings & Suckler Cows


Tuesday November 14th 2017


There was another good turnout of stock on offer at last Tuesday’s Sale. There was a good demand for Weanling Bulls with lots averaging from €2.55 per kilo up to €3.65 per kilo. There was a strong presence of Agents, Exporters and Farmers all anxious for stock. There was a steady trade for Weanling Heifers with prices averaging from €2.52 per kilo up to €3.72 per kilo.  Springers made from €1300 up to €1600, while Cows with calves at foot fetched from €1500 up to €1600 Don’t Forget Special Sale of Weanlings Tuesday next November 21st @ 5 p.m. Also Springers/Suckler Cows - Bookings accepted up to 5 p.m. on this Thursday November 16th



Weanling Heifers made from €280 to €840 over


Sample Prices: Char X 450 kgs €1200, Char X 360 kgs €1200, Char X 370 kgs €1165,

BBX 345 kgs €985, Lim X 295 kgs €950, Lim X 245 kgs €900, BBX 345 kgs €985

Char X 435 kgs €900, BBX 355 kgs €880, AAX 325 kgs €800, 2 Lim X 317 kgs €800,

Char X 280 kgs €780, 2 Lim X 317 kgs €800, AAX 325 kgs €800, Char X 285 kgs €745

Lim X 210 kgs €755, Lim X 270 kgs €775.


Weanling  Bulls made from €285 to €935 over


Sample Prices:


Char X 470 kgs €1405, BBX 515 kgs €1350, Lim X 555 kgs €1245, BBX 435 kgs €1240,

Lim X 325 kgs €1185, Char X 415 kgs €1170, BBX 360 kgs €1070, BBX 395 kgs €1040,

ShX 325 kgs €1005, Simm X 390 k gs €950, BBX 420 kgs €930, Lim X 395 kgs €920,

AAX 465 kgs €1000, BBX 390 kgs €915, Simm X 410 kgs €900, SAX 430 kgs €910,

Lim X 190 kgs €605.


Cows Calves at foot made from €1500 up to €1600

Springing Heifers made from €1300 up to €1600

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