
  • Date: 12/09/2020
  • Type: Sheep
  • Town: Roscommon (Co. Roscommon)
  • Address: Roscommon Co-operative Livestock Mart, Ardsallagh More, Roscommon, Ireland
  • Webpage: Roscommon Mart

12/09/2020 - Roscommon Sheep Mart Report

BREEDING EWES – Saturday September 12 th 2020

There were smaller numbers on offer at our sale on
Saturday last. However, there was a good demand
with the majority of lots sold.
Two year old Ewes fetched up to €175, 3 year old
Ewes also made up to €175,while Hoggets fetched up
to €190.
Breeding Ewe Sales continue on Saturday next
September 19 th @ 11 a.m.
Also Pedigree Texel Ram Sale @ 1 p.m.
20 rams on offer
Viewing from 11.30 a.m. to 12.45 p.m.
Hoggets ranged from €136 up to €190 per head
2-year-old Ewes made from €120 up to €175 per head
3-year-old Ewes made from €110 up to €175 per head

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