- Date: 14/09/2020
- Type: Sheep
- Town: Raphoe (Co. Donegal)
- Address: Raphoe Livestock Mart, Raphoe, Lifford,, Co. Donegal
- Webpage: Raphoe Mart
14/09/2020 - Raphoe Sheep Mart Report
There was a good entry of sheep at Raphoe Mart
with a good trade for all stock on offer.
Lambs sold at:
€75 to €84 for 28-33 kgs
€84 to €90 for 34-37 kgs
€90 to €100 for 38-42 kgs
€100 to €116 for 43-52 kgs
Fat ewes sold from €60 to €130
Next Sheep Sale on Monday 21st September at 11 a.m.
Bookings will be taken on Friday 18th September
Registration for buyers taken also
Please Tel: 074-9145250 or 074-9145385
or the mart mobile 087 372 6098
from 9.30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Last Breeding Sheep Sale for 2020
Wednesday 23rd September
Intake from 3 p.m.
Sales to commence at 6 p.m.
Regular Sales
Sheep Sale every Monday at 11 a.m.
Cattle Sale every Thursday at 11 a.m.
PSRA Licence No: 001089