- Date: 27/07/2020
- Type: Sheep
- Town: Raphoe (Co. Donegal)
- Address: Raphoe Livestock Mart, Raphoe, Lifford,, Co. Donegal
- Webpage: Raphoe Mart
27/07/2020 - Raphoe Sheep Mart Report
There was an excellent trade for store lambs
at Raphoe Mart with plenty of buyers
around the Ring. Trade was good overall
for all stock on offer.
Lambs sold at:
€70 to €84 for 30-36 kgs
€84 to €95 for 36-40 kgs
€95 to €110 for 40-44 kgs
€110 to €122 for 44-48 kgs
€122 to €130 for 48-55 kgs
Breeding ewes sold from €180 to €225 for 2 and 3 yr olds
Hoggets sold from €130 to €160
Fat ewes sold from €60 to €135
Breeding Sheep Sale Dates for 2020
Wednesday 12th August
Wednesday 26th August
Wednesday 9th September
Wednesday 23rd September
Intake from 4.30 p.m.
Sales to commence at 6.30 p.m.
Next Sheep Sale on Monday 3rd August at 11 a.m.
Bookings will be taken on Friday 31st July
Registration for buyers taken also
Please Tel: 074-9145250 or 074-9145385
or the mart mobile 087 372 6098
from 9.30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Regular Sales
Sheep Sale every Monday at 11 a.m.
Cattle Sale every Thursday at 11 a.m.
PSRA Licence No: 001089