- Date: 08/07/2021
- Type: Cattle
- Town: Raphoe (Co. Donegal)
- Address: Raphoe Livestock Mart, Raphoe, Lifford,, Co. Donegal
- Webpage: Raphoe Mart
08/07/2021 - Raphoe Cattle Mart Report
Good entry of cattle at Raphoe Mart this week again.
Trade remains high for quality stock and strong forward
cattle. Demand for these is very strong with factory agents
and feedlot buyers very anxious to purchase.
Lighter stock is also a strong trade with quality lots selling up to €2.80/kg
and €3/kg while friesian cattle were selling from €1.70/kg to €2.15/kg.
Bulls/Bullocks sold from €2.10/kg to €2.80/kg
Heifers sold from €2.20/kg to €3/kg
Fat cows sold from €600/head to €1460/head
Top class bulls over 600 kgs - €715 to €1045 over
Beef bullocks - €620 to €775 over
Store bullocks - €400 to €825 over
Beef heifers - €735 to €1170 over
Store heifers - €350 to €735 over
Regular Sales
Sheep Sale every Monday at 11 a.m.
Cattle Sale every Thursday at 11 a.m.
PSRA Licence No: 001089