- Date: 11/09/2021
- Type: Cattle, Weanling
- Town: Markethill (Co. Armagh)
- Address: Markethill Livestock & Farm Sales 12 Cladymilltown Road, Markethill County Armagh
- Webpage: Markethill Mart
11/09/2021 - Markethill Cattle Mart Report
An entry of 700 cattle at Markethill on Saturday 11 th September continued to sell in a strong trade.
The highlight of the sale was prices paid for heavy bullocks and heifers.
250 heifers maintained a very firm demand with beef heifers selling to £267 per 100 kilos for 640k at
£1705 from a Comber producer. A Whitecross producer received a top price of £1915 for 770k at
£248 per 100 kilos followed by £247 per 100 kilos for 708k at £1745 from a Whitecross farmer. Main
demand for good quality beef heifers from £230 to £245 per 100 kilos. Forward feeding heifers sold
to £259 for 508k at £1315 for a Jerrettspass farmer followed by £252 per 100 kilos for 626k at £1575
from a Comber farmer. A Comber farmer sold 30 heavy Char heifers averaging 640k at £1558 per
head £239 per 100 kilos. Good quality middleweight heifers sold steadily from £220 to £258 per 100
kilos for 380k at £985 from a Belleek farmer. The same owner received £257 per 100 kilos for 414k
at £1065 and for 430k at £1105.
Beef heifers
Comber farmer 640k £1705 £267.00; Whitecross farmer 772k £1915 £248.00; Whitecross farmer
708k £1745 £247.00; Comber farmer 644k £1575 £245.00; Comber farmer 642k £1565 £244.00;
Comber farmer 666k £1615 £243.00; comber farmer 650k £1575 £242.00; Comber farmer 698k
£1675 £240.00;
Forward heifers
Jerrettspass farmer 508k £1315 £259.00; Comber farmer 626k £1575 £252.00; comber farmer 620k
£1555 £251.00; comber farmer 588k £1465 £249.00; Armagh farmer 568k £1405 £247.00; Comber
farmer 614k £1515 £247.00; comber farmer 616k £1515 £246.00; Comber farmer 614k £1495
Middleweight heifers
Belleek farmer 382k £985 £258.00; Belleek farmer 414k £1065 £257.00; Belleek farmer 430k £1105
£257.00; Nelleek farmer 370k £935 £253.00; Lisnaskea farmer 410k £1035 £252.00; Poyntzpass
farmer 412k £1035 £251.00; Markethill farmer 444k £1105 £249.00; Derrynoose farmer 444k £1100
220 bullocks sold in an exceptionally strong demand with beef bullocks selling to a top of £247 for
770k at £1915 for a Newtownhamilton farmer and up to a top price of £1945 for 800k £241 for a
Newtownhamilton farmer. This farmer sold 6 bullocks averaged 773k at £1858 per head £240 per
100 kilos. Main demand for good quality beef bullocks from £220 to £241 per 100 kilos. Forward
feeding bullocks sold from £220 to £244 per 100 kilos for 538k at £1315 form a Benburb producer
followed by £243 per 100 kilos for 532k at £1295 from an Armagh farmer. Main demand for good
quality feeding bullocks from £220 to £238 per 100 kilos. Good quality middleweights sold from
£220 to £265 for 440k at £1175 from a Newtownhamilton farmer. The same owner received £259
for 496k at £1285 and £255 for 460k at £1175.
Beef bullocks
Newtownhamilton farmer 776k £1915 £247.00; Newtownhamilton farmer 784k £1895 £242.00;
Newtownhamilton farmer 808k £1945 £241.00; Newtownhamilton farmer 770k £1835 £238.00;
Banbridge farmer 700k £1665 £238.00; Banbridge farmer 714k £1695 £237.00; Newtownhamilton
farmer 778k £1845 £237.00; Newtownhamilton farmer 724k £1715 £237.00;
Forward bullocks
Armagh farmer 504k £1235 £245.00; Armagh farmer 538k £1315 £244.00; Armagh farmer 532k
£1295 £243.00; Tandragee farmer 532k £1285 £242.00; Ballynahinch farmer 622k £1495 £240.00;
Bessbrook farmer 502k £1205 £240.00;
Middleweight bullocks
Newtownhamilton farmer 444k £1175 £265.00; Newtownhamilton farmer 496k £1285 £259.00;
Newtownhamilton farmer 460k £1175 £255.00; Armagh farmer 426k £1085 £255.00;
Newtownhamilton farmer 474k £1205 £254.00; Newtownhamilton farmer 482k £1175 £244.00;
Tandragee farmer 496k £1195 £241.00; Bessbrook farmer 480k £1145 £239.00;
220 weanlings sold in a steady demand. Good quality light males sold from £250 to £328 per 100
kilos for 250k at £820 followed by £323 for 248k at £800. Stronger males sold from £230 to £280 per
100 kilos for 400k at £1120. Good quality light heifer weanling sold from £230 to £318 for 264k £840
from a Hillsborough farmer followed by £292 per 100 kilos for 264k at £770 from a Tandragee
producer. Stronger heifers from £220 to £277 for 402k at £1115 from a Tassagh farmer followed by
£234 for 478k at £1120 from a Portadown farmer.
Strong male weanlings
Rathfriland farmer 402k £1080 £269.00; Newry farmer 410k £1100 £268.00; Lisburn farmer 442k
£1100 £249.00; Tandragee farmer 458k £1120 £245.00; Armagh farmer 464k £1130 £244.00; Lisburn
farmer 500k £1200 £240.00; Lisburn farmer 412k £970 £236.00;
Light male weanlings
Tandragee farmer 250k £820 £328.00; Tandragee farmer 248k £800 £323.00; Rathfriland farmer
280k £900 £321.00; Rathfriland farmer 268k £860 £321.00; Tandragee farmer 278k £870 £313.00;
Tandragee farmer 298k £920 £309.00; Armagh farmer 300k £900 £300.00;
Strong heifer weanlings
Tassagh farmer 402k £1115 £277.00; Portadown farmer 478k £1120 £234.00; Lisburn farmer 428k
£990 £231.00; Lurgan farmer 436k £1000 £229.00; Lisburn farmer 402k £910 £226.00; Lisburn
farmer 444k £950 £214.00;
Light male weanlings
Hillsborough farmer 264k £840 £318.00; Tandragee farmer 264k £770 £292.00; Hillsborough farmer
280k £780 £279.00; Camlough farmer 282k £780 £277.00; Tassagh farmer 312k £830 £266.00;
Tassagh farmer 372k £950 £255.00; Derrynoose farmer 324k £810 £250.00; Keady farmer 304k £740
Suckler outfits sold to a top of £1920 for a Lim heifer and heifer calf from a Fintona farmer. The
same owner received £1800 and £1500 for 2 outfits. A Loughgall producer received £1620 for a Lim
heifer and bull calf and a Mayobridge farmer sold Sim heifer and heifer calf at £1540.