
  • Date: 04/09/2021
  • Type: Cattle, Weanling
  • Town: Markethill (Co. Armagh)
  • Address: Markethill Livestock & Farm Sales 12 Cladymilltown Road, Markethill County Armagh
  • Webpage: Markethill Mart

04/09/2021 - Markethill Cattle Mart Report

An entry of 820 cattle at Markethill on Saturday 4 th September continued to sell in an exceptionally
strong trade with buyers and sellers from throughout Northern Ireland in attendance. The highlight
of the day was the trade for heifers and bullocks.
280 heifers continued to sell in an exceptionally strong trade with beef heifers selling to a top of
£267 per 100 kilos for 650k Char at £1735 from an Armagh producer followed by £261 per 100 kilos
for 658k at £1715 from a Newtownhamilton farmer. All good quality beef heifers sold from £230 to
£258 per 100 kilos. Beef heifers sold to a top of £1765 for 758k £233 per 100 kilos. Forward feeding
heifers included an entry of 30 Char heifers from a Comber producer which averaged 599k at £1495
each £250 per 100 kilos and sold to a top of £280 per 100 kilos for 560k Char at £1565 followed by
£274 per 100 kilos for 612k at £1675. Good quality middleweight heifers sold steadily from £220 to
£250 per 100 kilos for 410k at £1025 from a Portadown farmer followed by £242 per 100 kilos for
416k at £1005 from a Ballygawley producer.
Beef heifers
Armagh farmer 650k £1735 £167.00; Newtownhamilton farmer 658k £1715 £261.00;
Newtownhamilton farmer 656k £1695 £258.00; Newtownhamilton farmer 640k £1645 £257.00;
Newtownhamilton farmer 678k £1725 £254.00; Newtownhamilton farmer 696k £1755 £252.00;
Keady farmer 706k £1745 £247.00;
Forward heifers
Comber farmer 560k £1565 £280.00; Comber farmer 612k £1675 £274.00; Comber farmer 556k
£1495 £269.00; Comber farmer 580k £1555 £268.00; Comber farmer 560k £1475 £263.00; Comber
farmer 596k £1555 £261.00; Comber farmer 590k £1535 £260.00;
Middleweight heifers
Portadown farmer 410k £1025 £250.00; Ballygawley farmer 416k £1005 £242.00; Ballygawley farmer
398k £955 £240.00; Aughnacloy farmer 436k £1030 £236.00; Portadown farmer 440k £1025
£233.00; Armagh farmer 398k £925 £232.00; Cullyhanna farmer 438k £1020 £233.00; Richhill farmer
468k £1075 £230.00; Armagh farmer 500k £1145 £230.00;
220 bullocks sold in a slightly firmer demand with beef bullocks to £246 for 680k at £1675 from a
Tandragee farmer followed by £244 for 704k at £1715 from a Tandragee farmer. All good quality
beef bullocks sold from £220 to £240 per 100 kilos. Forward feeding bullocks sold to £252 per 100
kilos for 614k at £1545 from a Donacloney producer followed by £241 per 100 kilos for 526k at
£1265 from a Dromore farmer. Good quality middleweight bullocks sold steadily from £220 to £254
for 380k at £965 from a Donacloney farmer followed by £250 for 458k at £1145 from a
Newtownhamilton producer. Friesian bullocks sold up to £207 for 640k at £1325 from a
Downpatrick farmer. The same owner received £1505 for 814k at £185 for a Friesian bullock. All
good quality friesians sold from £170 to £185 per 100 kilos.
Beef bullocks
Tandragee farmer 680k £1675 £246.00; Tandragee farmer 704k £1715 £244.00; Tandragee farmer
690k £1655 £240.00; Tandragee farmer 744k £1745 £235.00; Tandragee farmer 698k £1625

£233.00; Newry farmer 692k £1595 £231.00; Tandragee farmer 730k £1675 £230.00; Tandragee
farmer 702k £1605 £229.00;
Forward bullocks
Donaghcloney farmer 614k £1545 £252.00; Dromore farmer 526k £1265 £241.00; Portadown farmer
644k £1545 £240.00; Tandragee farmer 596k £1425 £239.00; Dungannon farmer 548k £1545
£238.00; Armagh farmer 578k £1375 £238.00; Downpatrick farmer 650k £1525 £235.00; Armagh
farmer 570k £1325 £232.00;
Middleweight bullocks
Donaghcloney farmer 380k £965 £254.00; Newtownhamilton farmer 458k £1145 £250.00; Keady
farmer 424k £1045 £247.00; Dromore farmer 428k £1045 £244.00; Portadown farmer 408k £995
£244.00; Newtownhamilton farmer 398k £965 £243.00; Camlough farmer 418k £995 £238.00;
Newtownhamilton farmer 468k £1105 £236.00; Dromore farmer 464k £1085 £234.00;
Friesian bullocks
Downpatrick farmer 640k £1325 £207.00; Downpatrick farmer 814k £1505 £185.00; Downpatrick
farmer 524k £965 £185.00; Downpatrick farmer 516k £905 £175.00; Downpatrick farmer 524k £905
£173.00; Downpatrick farmer 536k £925 £173.00;
A large entry of 280 weanlings sold in another very strong trade with good quality light sales from
£240 to £316 for 298k Char at £940 from a Dungannon farmer. The same owner received £315 for
286k at £900. Stronger male weanlings sold up to £292 for 404k at £1180 from a Poyntzpass farmer.
Top price of £1210 for 440k £275 from a Poyntzpass farmer. A Silverbridge producer received £279
for 408k at £1140. A Rathfriland producer received £279 for 408k at £1140. Good quality heifer
weanlings sold from £220 to £268 for 336k at £900 from a Castlewellan farmer followed by £261 for
314k at £820 from a Castlewellan producer. Strong heifer weanlings sold from £220 to £249 for
426k at £1060 from a Derrynoose farmer followed by £228 for 404k at £1000 for a Forkhill producer
Strong male weanlings
Poyntzpass farmer 404k £1180 £292.00; Newry farmer 408k £1140 £279.00; Rathfriland farmer 408k
£1140 £279.00; Poyntzpass farmer 440k £1210 £275.00; Loughgilly farmer 402k £1100 £274.00;
Derrynoose farmer 430k £1170 £272.00; Belleeks farmer 416k £1130 £272.00; Loughgilly farmer
434k £1170 £270.00;
Light male weanlings
Dungannon farmer 298k £940 £316.00; Dungannon farmer 286k £900 £315.00; Rathfriland farmer
360k £1120 £311.0; Portadown farmer 340k £1000 £294.00; Keady farmer 340k £1000 £294.00;
Rathfriland farmer 322k £930 £289.00; Rathfriland farmer 356k £1020 £287.00;
Strong heifer weanlings
Derrynoose farmer 426k £1060 £249.00; Forkhill farmer 404k £1000 £248.00; Forkhill farmer 438k
£1080 £247.00; Newtownhamilton farmer 422k £1030 £244.00; Newtownhamilton farmer 410k
£1000 £244.00; Belleeks farmer 506k £1205 £238.00; Glenanne farmer 408k £945 £232.00;
Light heifer weanlings

Dungannon farmer 298k £940 £316.00; Dungannon farmer 286k £900 £315.00; Rathfriland farmer
360k £1120 £311.00; Portadown farmer 340k £1000 3294.00; Keady farmer 340k £1000 £294.00;
Dungannon farmer 280k £810 £289.00; Rathfriland farmer 322k £930 £289.00; Rathfriland farmer
356k £1020 £287.00;
In the suckler ring a Ballynahinch farmer sold outfits at £1880 and £1620 and £1500. A Cullyhanna
farmer sold 2 outfits at £1780 each and a Tandragee farmer received £1560 for another outfit.

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