
  • Date: 27/04/2021
  • Type: Calves, Cattle
  • Town: Markethill (Co. Armagh)
  • Address: Markethill Livestock & Farm Sales 12 Cladymilltown Road, Markethill County Armagh
  • Webpage: Markethill Mart

27/04/2021 - Markethill Cattle Mart Report

An entry of 70 diary stock at Markethill on Tuesday 27 th April sold to a top of £2070 for a calved 2 nd
calver from a Dungannon farmer. The same owner received £1780 for a calved 2 nd calver. A
Poyntzpass farmer received £1480 for a calved heifer. A Donacloney producer received £1660 and
£1420 for 2 calved cows. Several more £1100 to £1400 each.
170 cull cows sold in a steady demand with good quality beef bred cows from £155 to £201 per 100
kilos for 740k at £1495 from a Newtownhamilton farmer followed by £197 for 708k at £1395 from a
Scarva producer. Fleshed Friesian cows sold to a top of £152 per 100 kilos for 848k at £1285 from a
Bessbrook farmer followed by £143 per 100 kilos for 630k at £905 from an Armagh producer. Main
demand for fleshed Friesians from £125 to £140 per 100 kilos with several heavy cows from £1000
to £1150 each. Second quality friesians from £100 to £115 per 100 kilos and the poorest types from
£80 to £95 per 100 kilos.
Cull cows
Newtownhamilton farmer 744k £1495 £211.00; Scarva farmer 708k £1395 £197.00; Tynan farmer
772k £1445 £187.00; Poyntzpass farmer 642k £1165 £181.00; Cullyhanna farmer 696k £1245
£174.00; Banbridge farmer 628k £1085 £173.00; Coalisland farmer 756k £1245 £165.00; Armagh
farmer 710k £1165 £164.00;
Friesian cull cows
Bessbrook farmer 848k £1285 £152.00; Armagh farmer 634k £905 £143.00; Bessbrook farmer 660k
£925 £140.00; Loughgilly farmer 682k £945 £139.00; Tandragee farmer 762k £1035 £136.00;
Middletown farmer 792k £1065 £134.00; Downpatrick farmer 806k £1075 £133.00; Dungannon
farmer 876k £1155 £131.00;
170 calves sold in a steady demand with good quality bull calves under 6 weeks selling from £300 to
£455 for a blue. Good quality heifer calves sold from £270 to £395 for an AA.
Bull calves
BB £455; Her £360; Ch £355; Ch £350; AA £330; AA £325; AA £320;
Heifer calves
AA £395; Lim £395; Her £380; BB £375; Her £360; Her £350; Her £350; SBR £340;

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