
  • Date: 08/04/2021
  • Type: Cattle
  • Town: Kilkenny (Co. Kilkenny)
  • Address: Kilkenny Co-Operative Livestock Market Ltd., Cillin Hill, Dublin Road, Leggettsrath Kilkenny.
  • Webpage: Kilkenny Mart

08/04/2021 - Kilkenny Cattle Mart Report

8th April 2021 1180 Cattle on Offer

Trade Comments All cattle meet a good selling trade with heavier types showing

an improvement compared to last week.Bullocks peaked at

€1880 with Beef heifers to a top of €1510.A cull cow weighing

890 kilo made €1920.

600 kg + €2.00 to €2.50 per kilo or €1180 to €1880 per head

No. Breed Wt. €/kg Price(€)

2 Lim 753 €2.50 €1,880

1 Char 750 €2.43 €1,820

1 Fr 725 €2.08 €1,510

2 Cont 710 €2.42 €1,720

2 AA 625 €2.34 €1,460

2 Fr 600 €1.97 €1,180

500 - 600 kg €1.90 to €2.55 per kilo or €1050 to €1510 per head

No. Breed Wt. €/kg Price(€)

1 Lim 595 €2.54 1,510

2 Fr 590 €2.08 1,230

1 Cont 570 €2.53 1,440

1 AA 545 €2.40 1,310

6 Char 540 €2.41 1,300

2 Herf 520 €2.12 1,100

400 - 500 kg €1.70 to €2.47 per kilo or €700 to €1200 per head

No. Breed Wt. €/kg Price(€)

5 Fr 495 €1.88 €930

6 Lim 475 €2.53 €1,200

4 Herf 460 €2.28 €1,050

4 Char 445 €2.54 €1,130

4 AA 415 €2.27 €940

10 Lim 400 €2.53 €1,010

<400 kg €1.70 to €2.65 per kilo or €490 to €1010 per head

No. Breed Wt. €/kg Price(€)

1 Char 395 €2.56 €1,010

3 AA 380 €2.26 €860

1 Lim 350 €2.40 €840

4 Fr 340 €2.30 €700

6 Fr 335 €2.36 €790

4 AA 310 €2.45 €760

Cull Cows

No. Breed Wt. €/kg Price(€)

Fr Cull Cows €1.17 to €1.81 per kilo

Cont Cull €1.40 to €2.16 per kilo

Beef Heifers €2.00 to €2.40 per kilo or €1100 to €1510 per head

No. Breed Wt. €/kg Price(€)

1 Sim 645 €2.29 €1,480

1 Char 630 €2.40 €1,510

1 AA 620 €2.10 €1,300

2 Char 610 €2.38 €1,450

2 Lim 595 €2.40 €1,430

2 AA 560 €2.20 €1,230

€2.00 to €2.45 per kilo or €820 to €1190 per head

No. Breed Wt. Price(€)

Forward 2 Lim 490 €2.43 1,190

Store 3 AA 480 €2.25 1,080

Heifers 2 Cont 450 €2.20 990

3 Char 440 €2.41 1,060

2 Herf 430 €2.05 880

2 AA 410 €2.10 860

Store Heifers €1.90 to €2.73 per kilo or €480 to €1000 per head

No. Breed Wt. €/kg Price(€)

2 Char 390 €2.21 €860

4 Lim 375 €2.67 €1,000

2 Char 320 €2.53 €810

3 Herf 285 €2.28 €650

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