
  • Date: 24/10/2017
  • Type: Calves, Sheep, Weanling
  • Town: Ennis (Co. Clare)
  • Address: Ennis Weanlings & Sheep Mart Quin Rd, Bunnow, Ennis, Co. Clare
  • More Info: Ennis Mart

24/10/2017 - Ennis Weanling & Sheep Mart Report

Another huge turnout in Ennis today with over 1,200 head passing through the rings. Trade was strong throughout, with exporters present in both bull and heifer weanling ring. Bull weanlings generally sold from €2.02/kg up to €3.26/kg. Weanling heifers mainly sold from €1.94/kg up to 3.35/kg. Suckler cows with calves at foot sold from €1,000 up to €1,500, in-calf cows and heifers sold from €1,000 up to €1,670. Again, farmers and butchers were the most active this week in the sheep yard. Lambs sold up to €119 or up to a max of €2.38/kg.



1 SAX 285kgs - €895 - €3.14/kg 2 CHX 295kgs - €905 - €3.07/kg

5 BBX 354kgs - €1,025 - €2.90/kg 1 LMX 395kgs - €1,070 - €2.71/kg

1 CHX 440kgs - €1,120 - €2.55/kg 1 LMX 415kgs - €1,090 - €2.63/kg



3 CHX 283kgs - €880 - €3.11/kg 1 LMX 295kgs - €870 - €2.95/kg

1 CHX 365kgs - €1,135 - €3.11/kg 2 CHX 440kgs - €1,075 - €2.44/kg

1 SAX 320kgs - €860 - €2.69/kg 1 LMX 355kgs - €1,035 - €3.09/kg



Calves sold from €200 - €465. Runner heifers sold from €370 up to €775 and runner bulls from €340 up to €865.



2 x 50kgs - €119 8 x 53kgs - €115

12 x 49kgs - €103 12 x 48kgs - €102

5 x 51kgs - €105 10 x 47kgs - €97


Cull ewes made from €35 - €108.


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