
  • Date: 10/06/2021
  • Type: Calves, Cattle, Weanling
  • Town: Castlerea (Co. Roscommon)
  • Address: Castlerea Livestock Co-operative Mart, Main St, Demesne, Castlerea, Co. Roscommon
  • Webpage: Castlerea Mart

10/06/2021 - Castlerea Cattle Mart Report

Castlerea Mart Market report re sale 10/06/21

Good numbers of stock presented for sale again this week with trade and demand holding extremely well. The heifer ring with some very good quality heifers on offer reported an excellent trade with lots exceeding €3 a kilo while the bullock ring witnessed similar demand this week as customers continue to source stock while the heavier lots remain a firm trade. The dry cow trade saw prices peak at €2090 while €2290 was forked out for a limousin cow and her bull calf at foot. The weanling rings continue to witness good clearance with quality the key while the calf trade remains very strong also.


BULLOCKS: Chx 450kg €1260 Lim 480kgs €1200 Ch 440kgs €1100 Lm 500kgs €1260 AA 515kgs €1150 Ch 575kgs €1430 Sim 600kgs €1440 AA 705kgs €1640

HEIFERS: Lm 345kgs €1090 Lm 400kgs €1080 Ch 365kgs €940 Lm 485kgs €1340 Sim 490kgs €1320 AA 475kgs €1240 Ch 680kgs €1720 Lm 640kgs €1620 Lm 590kgs €1480

DRY COWS: Ch 930kgs €2090 BA 800kgs €1850 Ch 755kgs €1750 Lm600kgs €1340 Lm 580kgs €1260 Ch 700kgs €1330 Lm 545kgs €1060

Cows with calves at foot made from €940 to €2290

Springers made from €950 to €1580 per head.

CALVES: Good numbers on offer again this week with prices ranging from €70 to €460 for Continental lots.

WEANLING BULLS: Lm 280kgs €780 Lm 330kgs 4850 Ch 400kgs €1000 Lm 465kgs €1100 Ch 285kgs €720

WEANLING HEIFERS: Sim 290kgs €880 BBx 380kgs €1010 Lm 250kgs €680 AA 285kgs €700 Sim 280kgs €810 Ch 390kgs €1070

Sales continue at Castlerea Mart on Thursday next the 17th June with our weekly sale of Bullocks, Heifers, Cows, Calves, Runners and Weanlings

All sales commence @ 11 AM

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