
  • Date: 17/09/2020
  • Type: Calves, Cattle, Sheep
  • Town: Ballinrobe (Co. Mayo)
  • Address: Ballinrobe Mart, Claremorris Road, Ballinrobe, Co. Mayo
  • Webpage: Ballinrobe Mart

17/09/2020 - Ballinrobe Cattle Mart Report

Ballinrobe Mart Report 16 th /17 th September
Cattle numbers here were up on the previous week and this also reflected on the trade.
Some Examples Of Prices From Wednesdays Sale:

Heifers: A Charolais X (pic left) 505 kg made €1320.00 or €2.61 per kg. a
Limousine X 435 kg made €1140.00 or €2.62 per kg, and 2 Charolais X 309 kg
made €775.00 or €2.51 per kg
Bullocks : 2 Charolais 655 kg made €1500.00 or €2.29 per kg. a Limousine
X 490 kg made €1125.00 or €2.30 per kg and an Aberdeen Angus 380 kg made
€825.00 or €2.17 per kg.

Best price for a Dry cow was a
Charolais 980 kg made €2080.00
or €2.12 per kg. (Pic right)
Cows with calves @ foot made up
to €1560.00.

Our first Weanling sale of this year
took place on Monday last 14th
Sept which saw an overwhelming
demand for both heifer and bull weanlings, some prices of day, a Charolais heifer 425 kg made a €1030.00 or €2.42
per kg and a Charolais bull 345 kg made €1240.00 or €3.59 per kg.
Please note there is a Special Continental bullock sale will take place on Wednesday 24 th of September.
Cattle sales continue each Wednesday with pre booking on Fridays from 9.00 am to 13.30 pm on 094 95

A huge sale of sheep again this week with store lambs made from €59.00 to a €94.00, factory lambs made from
€92.00 to €113.00, fat ewes were making from €75.00 to €108.00, and a pen of ewe lambs made a €126.00.
Breeding ewe sales again this Friday and will continue until mid October.
All sheep are weighed and sold through the ring with an online system also in place.

Aurivo Livestock Mart wishes to advise sellers that all cattle must be penned by 9.30 am at the latest.
Thank you for your co- operation.

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