
  • Date: 29/04/2021
  • Type: Calves, Cattle, Dairy, Sheep, Weanling
  • Town: Ballinrobe (Co. Mayo)
  • Address: Ballinrobe Mart, Claremorris Road, Ballinrobe, Co. Mayo
  • Webpage: Ballinrobe Mart

29/04/2021 - Ballinrobe Cattle & Sheep Mart Report

Ballinrobe Mart Report 28

th April / 29

th April 2021
A good clearance for all stock with cattle prices up on last week.

Some Prices from the sale

Breed Weight Price Price per kg


CHX 680 kg €1,540 2.26
CH 500 kg €1,270 2.54
LMX 625 kg €1,420 2.27
AAX 590 kg €1,350 2.29

Weaning Heifers

CHX 340 kg €990 2.91
CHX 235 kg €700 2.98
LMX 270 kg €770 2.85
AAX 297 kg €730 2.45


LMX 575 kg €1,350 2.35 (pictured)
CHX 595 kg €1,250 2.10
CHX 440 kg €1,100 2.50
CHX 555 kg €1,200 2.16
AAX 465 kg €1,050 2.26

Weaning Bullocks

CHX 265 kg €770 2.91
LMX 295 kg €870 2.95
LMX 200 kg €610 3.05
AAX 330 kg €740 2.24
Dry Cows CHX 835 kg €1,830 2.19
SIX 785 kg €1,730 2.20

Springing Cows: Made up to €1700
Suck Calves: Made up to €345
Suck Calves will be sold immediately after the dry cows every Wednesday.
Pre booking Friday morning from 9am to 1pm on 094 9541140.

Some Prices From Thursday Sheep Sale:

-- Spring Lambs made up to €164
-- 1 3
rd crop ewes with 2 lambs at foot made €310
-- 3 3
rd crop ewes with 6 lambs at foot made €260
-- Cull ewe weighing 105 kg made €165
-- Cull ewe weighing 106 kg made €148
All sheep are weighed and sold through the ring using the online system MartBids.
Aurivo Livestock Mart wishes to advise sellers that all stock must be penned by 9.30 am at the latest.

Thank you for your co- operation.
Please check our web site for upcoming special sales.

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