
  • Date: 28/10/2017
  • Type: Cattle
  • Town: Balla (Co. Mayo)
  • Address: Balla Cattle Mart, Balla, Co. Mayo.
  • More Info: Balla Mart

28/10/2017 - Balla Cattle Mart Report

Balla Mart Report...
On Saturday the 28th of November the End of Month Continental sale was held at Balla a big sale with approx 900 cattle on offer...There was an improved trade today with prices holding up well especially for store cattle due to the presence of additional midland buyers."
"Store Bullocks up to 400 kg were making up to E720 with the weight & they averaged 2.25 p/kg.
Bullocks 400kg to 500kg averaged 2.26 p/kg...the best a 495kg LMX born June 2016 sold by a Roonith - Louisburg farmer at E1295, Bullocks 500kg+ averaged 2.10 p/kg while bullocks 600+ were making 2.01p/kg and there was some strong cattle on offer a 845kg LMX born May 15 sold by a Banada - Ballaghadreen farmer for E1765 euro or 920 euro with the weight.
There was up to 300 heifers for sale this week and they were simular to last week...those up to 400 kg were averaged 2.33 Euro p/kg . The best store this week a May '16 born 360kg LMX heifer sold by an Garranard - Ballina farmer that made E1010 or 2.81p/kg. Heifers 400kg to 500kg averaged 2.24 p/kg with the weight. The best a 415kg LMX top class heifer born June 16 sold by a Glann - Kilkelly farmer which made E1210 or 2.92 p/kg While 500kg plus averaged 2.06p/kg...they met with a strong trade and the best was a 615kg Char born March 2015 sold by a Mayo Abbey - Claremorris farmer at E1430 euro or 2.33 p/kg.
This week there was over 200 cows on offer including a special sale of cows....In the Springer's there was a some nice stock & best this week was an May '15 born LMX cow with its time up sold by an Bekan - Claremorris farmer for E1,900.00 euro...while in the dry cows there was some nice stock in particular a big 1015kg Char Cow born Sept '13 sold by a Woodstock - Ballindine farmer for E2220 euro and overall dry cows averaged from 1.56 p/kg."
On Tuesday the 24th of October there was weanling sale held with approx 800 lots on offer...there was a strong trade for Char stock which were well up in price and the Purcell Bros export job was on again for slips around 280kgs and farmer buyers were touching as well....
The weanling bulls 200 to 350kg averaged 2.67p/kg, While heavier types 350 to 450 kg averaged 2.32 p/kg. Heavier types 450kg+ averaged 2.06 p/kg. A farmer from Curry - Ballymote was happy after seeing his April '17 born 330kg LMX bull sold at E1035 or 3.14 p/kg. 
And a heavier 435kg bull born Mar '17 sold by an Killala - Ballina farmer made E1,235.00 euro.
In the Heifer weanlings those weighing 200 to 350 kg were exactly as last week & averaged 2.51 p/kg. Heavier heifers 350 to 450 kg were slightly up & averaged 2.21 p/kg. One nice Dec '16 born CHX calf weighing 445kg owned by a Clogher - Westport farmer made E1,200.00 that's 2.70 p/kg. 

395KG CHX E1100 @ 2.78 P/KG"
495KG LMX E1295 @ 2.62 P/KG
540KG LMX E1430 @ 2.65 P/KG
675KG CHX E1500 @ 2.22 P/KG
720KG LMX E1640 @ 2.28 P/KG
845KG LMX E1765 @ 2.09 P/KG
275KG CHX E750 @ 2.73 P/KG
360KG LMX E1010 @ 2.81 P/KG
415KG LMX E1210 @ 2.92 P/KG
560KG LMX E1350 @ 2.41 P/KG 
615KG CHX E1430 @ 2.33 P/KG
705KG CHX E1490 @ 2.11 P/KG
"Bull Weanlings:
160KG BAX E585 @ 3.66 P/KG"
330KG LMX E1035 @ 3.14 P/KG
435KG CHX E1235 @ 2.84 P/KG
Heifer Weanlings:
190KG CHX E650 @ 3.42 P/KG 315KG LMX E1060 @ 3.37 P/KG 445KG CHX E1200 @ 2.70 P/KG

Forthcoming Marts

The next Sale will be on next Saturday the 7th of Nov with booking on Wednesday the 1st at 09:30 am for the Bullocks & Heifers & 11:00am for the cows while the booking for the Weanlings Sale on Tuesday the 7th will be booked on Thursday the 2nd at 09:30am on 0818-301-401.
Next Saturday the 4th there well be the a Special Sale of 15 in Continental in calf young strong cows Lim/Six/BB & AA by a Claremorris farmer... all scanned in calf to a PB easy calving char bull by Enfield Plexus & calving January to March.
It is now an option for sellers to get paid by EFT payment to their Bank Account...if interested please get the necessary form from the mart. 
Also all cattle must have two tags & be properly de-horned when presented for sale.

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