Pure Friesian Open Day next Wednesday

15/06/2016 Website News
Pure Friesian Open Day next Wednesday

Pure Friesian Open Day Wednesday 22nd June in Kilworth, Cork.

The Irish Pure Friesian Club Open Day 2016 will be hosted by Pat & Nora Flynn and family “Coolmohan” herd, Araglin, Kilworth, Co. Cork. The “Coolmohan” herd has garnered a strong profile in recent times with National recognition in attaining No. 1 position for EBI three years in a row.

Looking forward to the Pure Friesian Open Day which takes place at the Flynn farm in Coolmohan, Araglin, Kilworth on Wednesday 22nd June are, l-r: Alec Bryan and Liam Curran, (IHFA), Tom Baker (Eurogene), Nora and Pat Flynn (open day hosts) and Charlie Gallagher, CE IHFA.

Pat and Nora work as a team with Nora taking charge of calf rearing and completing all the paperwork throughout the year.

A balanced herd featuring Pedigree Registered Friesians clearly delivering in terms of output, strength of cow families and high genetic merit stock will be a key message at the Pure Friesian Open Day on June 22nd.

The Coolmohan prefix was registered over a decade ago with Pat taking the decision to become a member to establish a Pedigree Registered herd through the Grade Up process of the Association. Milk recording, pedigree registration and Classification have all helped to develop and progress the herd. Home-bred cow families, graded up with the Herdbook are the bedrock of the herd today, with replacements developing into mature cows and lasting for many lactations, an indictment for the fertility and longevity inherent in the Pure Friesian. A significant proportion of the milking herd is classified to VG/EX standard on conformation, helping to put the structural functional traits in place for this longevity and efficiency of production to be expressed.

Last year Pat milked 84 Pedigree Registered Friesians with an average production of 7,231kgs 4.19% Fat, 3.80% Protein, 578 kgs Milk Solids. Average calving interval was 364 days, average SCC was 87. Herd health is an important element of herd management with Pat being very conscious of availing of the best tools available in this regard.

Pat commented “The foundation of my herd is all homebred using A.I. and stock bulls from top Friesian cow families nationwide. Grove Image bloodlines worked exceptionally well. Lavenham Soldier produced cows that were very consistant. More recently I have been very pleased with Holwerdo Torello. Nowadays I believe I need to diversify the sire lines used in breeding the next generation. A.I. is typically used for the first three weeks of the breeding season
A number of cow families are very prominant in the herd;
Coolmohan Rebecca Image 1 EX92 5E, currently in her 10th lactation. With many sons of her available through AI she may be recognisable to many. In her lifetime, she has produced 5,697kgs of milk solids, 4.73% Fat, 4.00% Protein.

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