Macra CEO Departs
25/03/2016 Website News

Macra President Sean Finan advised members of the National Council in recent days that he had received the resignation of CEO Edmond Connolly. Edmond will be pursuing a new opportunity closer to home and will depart after the Macra AGM on 7th May.
Sean said 'Edmond has given great service to Macra since January 2008 and I thank Edmond on behalf of the organisation for the significant contribution he has made to Macra na Feirme in that period. I wish him all the best in the future'.
Edmond said 'It was with regret that I will depart Macra, I have enjoyed the role and I want to acknowledge the significant progress made in recent years due to the combined efforts of the volunteer leadership and staff.'
The process of identifying a replacement will commence shortly.
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