Food Export Growing and Farm Income Falling

13/09/2013 Website News
Food Export Growing and Farm Income Falling
Addressing the Oireachtas Committee on Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform today (Thurs), IFA President John Bryan said the clear message from the farming sector is that Government support for farmers provides a sustainable stimulus for the Irish economy, which will drive export growth and job creation.
He said, “Despite a difficult economic environment in our main export markets, there has been an increase in food exports of 8% during the first half of 2013. This comes at a time when Ireland is experiencing a general fall in manufacturing exports”.
John Bryan said underpinning this growth is a primary agriculture sector that is delivering a high quality, sustainable raw material to the food sector.  Agriculture contributes to economic activity in every part of Ireland and is of particular importance in the rural economy.
“However, farming remains a low-income sector, and the importance of farm schemes to farm income and production must not be forgotten.  A combination of dreadful weather conditions which continued into spring 2013, soaring input costs and the resulting fodder crisis impacted heavily on profitability and output at farm level.”  
Recently published figures by Teagasc’s National Farm Survey estimate that average family farm in 2012 fell by 15% compared to 2011. Many farmers have come under severe cashflow problems as a result.
In addition, the impact on farm incomes from excessive budget cuts, and cuts to farm schemes in particular, is challenging the viability of thousands of low-income family farms. Cuts to farm schemes impact directly on farm income and have a negative knock-on effect on production decisions on-farm. 
Total funding for the agriculture budget has been reduced by a greater percentage than any other major Government department. Since 2008, total funding for agriculture has been cut by 41.2%, compared to an average reduction across all Government departments of 12.6%.
The facts are that the proportionate spend on the agriculture since 2004 has fallen by 25% (from 3.04% in 2004 of the total national budget to 2.26% in 2013)
Furthermore within the agriculture budget, farm schemes have been targeted for disproportionate cuts.  Total expenditure on farm schemes between 2011 and 2013 has fallen by 18% or €119m. This compares to a reduction in expenditure of 8%, or €60m across all other budgetary headings within the Agriculture budget.

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