Extensive Fire at N.I Livestock and Meat Commission Offices

21/06/2016 Website News
Extensive Fire at N.I Livestock and Meat Commission Offices THE LIVESTOCK AND MEAT COMMISSION In N. Ireland report that FOLLOWING the extensive fire that destroyed the headquarters building of LMC in Lisburn on Thursday 9th June 2016 work is ongoing to restore normal business service as quickly as possible. We have been working closely with our insurers, sponsor department and suppliers since the fire at Lissue House to implement business continuity arrangements. A temporary operational hub has been established at CAFRE's Greenmount Campus and we are grateful to DAERA and the staff at CAFRE for the generous support that has been provided to us. Getting back to full business capacity after such a major disruption will inevitably take time but we are pleased to say that many business plan activities are going ahead as planned including our consumer promotion and educational activities, some are working on a limited basis including FQAS and market information services and some are temporarily suspended until our IT platform is up and running. Our stakeholders have been tremendously supportive and the Board and staff at LMC are wholly focussed on returning to full operational capacity at the earliest opportunity. We will continue to inform stakeholders of our progress on the return of services over the coming days and weeks.

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