Live Cattle Exports Grow by 43%

02/06/2017 Livestock
Live Cattle Exports Grow by 43%

Bord Bia stats for the year Jan to May 2017 show a total of 116,061 cattle exported compared to 81,100 for the same period in 2016. That a growth of 43%!

Over this 5 months live:-

weanling exports grew from 4718 to 8194 (89.5%) 

store exports grew from 4354 to 6912 ( 58.8%)

Calf exports grew for 60,998 to 87714 ( 43.8%)

Finsished exports grew from 11,030 to 12495 (13.3%)

Overall this represents a growth of over 35,000 live cattle year to date.

Netherlands and Spain are the two biggest markets to which these live exports go.




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